Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Who the hell are the Insight Grrls?

Who the hell are the Insight Grrls?

Stacy Graiko:
brand loyalist.
prone to running into metal posts when walking down city streets.

Faith James:
Child of the world
Often heard saying "I'd like to thank the Academy"
Heat Seeker
Defender of the truth
Frustrated singer
Fashion celebrator
Chameleon at heart
Have e-ticket; will travel
Rails against the oft used excuse "that's the way it's always been done"

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Together, we founded Insight 303 - a brand strategy company designed to be a friend to small and mid-sized agencies that don't have their own planning departments. We're a swat team for that big pitch, new campaign, or wow-generating workshop. We talk a lot: to groups around the country, about topics ranging from brand planning and qualitative research to personal branding and empowerment. We'd love to talk to you!

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