Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Does size matter?

Brandweek today ran an article about marketers that contained - among lots of other content - a quote from Baruch College professor Robb Hecht, who said: "The power of brands is what attracts people to marketing. Most marketers want to work on the biggest brands, brands [with sales] the size of some countries' gross national products. Many marketers, once behind the dashboard of driving a brand, feel the power of the reach of a brand."

While I can see validity in his point, particularly when looking at it from the client-side, I wonder where agency folks weigh in? For instance, we've been privileged to work on some large brands(think IBM and GM) - but equally happy to work on very small emerging brands that you've probably never heard of (and that's okay; the nature of these assignments was speculative for the agencies involved - often, these types of accounts are sought out for their willingness to draw outside the lines with creative and media).

It got us wondering about you, our readers, who work at small and mid-sized agencies. Why do you choose to work on smaller accounts in smaller markets? Is it the challenge that motivates you? The necessity of realizing champagne dreams on a beer budget?

What's your motivation? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Read the story here.

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